Simple solutions for sagging skin might sound like a dream. But you’re not sleeping. When you look in the mirror, do you find yourself tugging, stretching, pulling or lifting your skin more often?

“As we age, our skin will lose volume and begin to sag,” explains Dr. Ali Adibfar, a leader in the Toronto plastic surgeryindustry. “Time, gravity, genetics and lifestyle all play a factor in how our body ages. But sagging skin isn’t a life sentence.”

Beautiful Skin is Everything We Ever Dream of

Today’s advancements in medical spa treatments and non-invasive cosmetic procedures have created a number of options available to men and women who want to regain the youthful, firm and smooth skin they once had. Whether you want to flaunt your body on the beach, turn heads on Yorkville Avenue or feel confident in your body, sagging skin isn’t ideal.

Dr. Adibfar has been leading the medical spa industry when it comes to delivering amazing, anti-aging results. He has helped thousands of men and women turn back the hands of time by sharing his knowledge and unmatched skills when it comes to enhancing their beauty.

“We all want to look young – that’s no secret,” says Dr. Adibfar. “We continue to share our insight with people across Toronto, Canada and North America so they can make the right decisions about their skin and appearance.”

The expert medical spa team at Elements share four simple solutions for sagging skin that you can use today for results tomorrow.


Simple Solutions for Sagging Skin: Fight Aging Today

1. Adjust your beauty sleep

: We’ve all heard that sleep can deliver important benefits when it comes to our beauty, health and appearance. As we sleep, our pillow and gravity are actually working against us; no matter what thread count you have. While this won’t necessarily cause sagging skin, it can contribute to the formation of lines that accentuate your true age. You may have begun to see new lines after waking up. This is very common amongst side sleepers who place a lot of pressure on their face. “Try sleeping on your back to minimize the contact between your sensitive facial skin and your pillow,” says Dr. Adibfar.

2. Don’t shy away from sunscreen: We’ve all heard that sunscreen is an important part of our skin care tool-kit. And with the summer months ahead, protection is paramount. But many of us still avoid putting it on. The sun’s harmful UV rays can actually break down the collagen found in your face. Collagen is incredibly important as it gives our skin the elasticity that’s synonymous with firmness and vitality. “As we age, we’ll produce less collagen, which can create sagging skin,” says Dr. Adibfar. “Applying sunscreen can help preserve and protect your collagen levels.” So, the next time you plan a day by the pool with your favourite bottle of champagne, think of your skin first.

3. Fillers to the rescue: Volume loss in the face can make our eyes look tired, our lips look thin and our cheeks appear saggy. This common aging process is something no one welcomes, especially those who want to look young, energized and beautiful. “Our expert medical spa team uses highly effective, non-invasive fillers to deliver amazing results,” explains Dr. Adibfar. “With years of experience, we can successfully add volume to your face, lift facial tissue and re-contour your cheeks to create a more youthful, firmer appearance.”

This incredibly popular treatment requires no downtime and can truly redefine your beauty; no matter your age.

4. Tightening your skin without surgery: Surgery is not always a requirement for sagging skin. The advancements in the Toronto medispa industry has created a variety of treatment options that don’t require invasive surgery. “For example, our laser treatments like Fractora and Fraxel, can be used to tighten sagging skin and stimulate collagen production,” explains Dr. Adibfar. “The end result is firmer, youthful skin with a revitalized glow.”

While surgery isn’t necessary, our team of medical spa professionals will review your body, needs and goals during the consultative phase. Depending on the severity of your sagging skin, along with a number of other variables, a surgical procedure might be the best course of action. “Each person is different and their skin requires a tailored approach,” explains Dr. Adibfar. “Together we’ll determine the best procedures and treatments to meet your needs and expectations.”

Get Rid of Sagging Skin! Take Action Today
Do you have sagging skin you want to get rid of? Have you tried these simple solutions for sagging skin? Take action and contact us to book your consultation.