Laser hair removal is a state-of-the-art hair removal treatment for permanently reducing the amount of hair that you have. And while many women visit us at Toronto’s Elements Spa because of pesky issues including trouble shaving the bikini area or the underarms, we’ve seen a significant uptick in men that come in for laser hair removal as well! Laser hair removal is a great option because men can have smooth skin without shaving daily or putting up with scorching hot waxes that rip off the skin. Let’s dive into the top 4 reasons why men opt for laser hair removal at Elements Spa!
1. Razor Burn
We have a lot of men who seek out laser hair removal because of razor burns and inflammation of their hair follicles. Sometimes sharp hairs grow back after shaving and come in as pesky ingrown hairs on the neck which are quite uncomfortable and sore. The neck is one of the most common places for us to perform laser hair removal on our male patients and they find it incredibly freeing as they no longer suffer from ingrown hairs and can wear shirt collars more comfortably!
2. The Back
Many men prefer to have no back hair and asking someone to shave their back hair or suffer through waxing can pose themselves as large hassles. Back hair can get itchy and be quite bothersome in this area. They can also cause ingrown areas in awkward areas where our male patients don’t have easy access to. Laser hair removal lends itself a great permanent solution for these patients looking to remove their upper and lower back hair for good.
3. Sideburn Sculpting
Men occasionally come to Elements Spa to utilize laser hair removal to sculpt their sideburns. Some men also have hair in the middle portion of their cheeks that laser hair removal efficiently destroys. These men enjoy the straighter beard lines and especially find benefit from combining this with laser hair removal of the neck.
4. Athletes
Many athletes shave their bodies in certain areas to perform better in their sports. Athletes who decide to have laser hair removal on their arms or legs, for example, choose to because they need to shave these areas anyway whether it be for cycling, swimming, racing, or other sports.
Our male patients love not having to worry about ingrown hairs and enjoy the benefits of smooth skin no matter what!Click here to learn more or to book a consultation with one of Toronto’s leading board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeons, Dr. Adibfar.
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