At Toronto’s Elements Spa, we are all about prolonging and maintaining youthful, revitalized, refreshed and healthy-looking skin. We also offer numerous options for patients looking to correct skin damage caused by years of sun exposure, air pollution and past lifestyle choices. Two popular nonsurgical treatments we offer are Fraxel and Fractora—radio frequency utilized technology that safely addresses skin damage and promotes elastin and collagen production with minimal downtime for busy professionals and other active multi-taskers.
Our bodies’ natural mechanisms for producing collagen slowly begin to decrease around our mid-20s. In our 30s and 40s, we may notice that our skin slowly begins to droop and sag on our face and bodies over time as the elastin in our skin declines and gravity begins to take hold. Technologies like Fraxel and Fractora both work by using heat applied to the skin which allows the skin to naturally contract and therefore initiate our bodies’ natural collagen production. This in turn allows for resurfacing and remodeling of the skin. Let’s look at these two treatments in more detail.
For patients seeking a nonsurgical treatment that offers long-lasting results while addressing textural issues as well as deep creases and lines, Fractora may be the perfect fit! While noninvasive treatments will never replace the more permanent results available via a surgical procedure, treatments like Fractora and Fraxel offer an efficient option for those who can’t afford any downtime.
Fractora is used on any part of the face that shows signs of poor elasticity and is in need of resurfacing. This thermal rejuvenation system utilizes a customized degree of ablation as well as heat to painlessly improve the skin’s complexion and lessen the appearance of any skin abnormalities. It also boasts superior results for those with active cystic acne and acne scarring. The small handpiece is used to gently sweep over the treatment area while slowly heating the temperature of the skin via small pins creating tiny perforations to the skin being treated.
The gentle heat causes the skin to contract and tighten, allowing for more natural collagen growth and restructuring which increases over time and with several treatments. The tiny lesions dispersed over the treatment area also works to encourage the skin to heal faster. Patients may notice some results immediately after their first treatment, however full results are more noticeable after approximately 6 weeks and with a customized series of treatments depending on the patient’s skin concerns. A series of 3-6 sessions on a 2-4-week basis may be necessary for optimal results.
Fraxel Laser
Let’s take a closer look at another popular, minimally-invasive procedure that works wonders on addressing pesky skin concerns! Fraxel is a fractional laser treatment that uses erbium laser light to resurface the skin. Each treatment is tailored to the individual’s skin with easy to adjust energy settings that target a wide array of skin concerns. The Fraxel Laser is delivered to the skin via a small handpiece that’s gently rolled over skin, delivering thousands of minuscule waves of laser light with the ability to safely reach significant depth of the skin.
This laser allows the skin to heal faster (as opposed to a single strong beam from another laser), making it more efficient for patients who cannot afford significant downtime from their hectic schedules and commitments. Many patients claim that the treatment feels as though their skin is being slowly heated, and most leave the treatment with skin that may appear slightly red or flushed. Over the next several days, the redness subsides and the skin begins to naturally exfoliate and heal itself. Typically, full results are visible after approximately 10 days and patients will notice the skin continuing to improve over several months and with added sessions depending on the degree of resurfacing needed. When fully healed, patients are left with smoother, softer and more radiant looking skin with improved tone and texture.
While these two treatments vary, patients love that both noninvasive treatments are cost-effective and more efficient for those leading hectic lifestyles and who simply cannot take time out for the recovery needed from a surgical treatment. As always, make sure you seek the expertise of a board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeon like Dr. Adibfar to ensure optimal results over these delicate areas of the skin.
Click here to learn more about Fraxel and Fractora or to book a consultation with one of Toronto’s best board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeons, Dr. Adibfar.
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