Regenerate Your Skin with Microneedling and Mesotherapy

Who wouldn’t want smoother, brighter, healthier, and younger-looking skin, right? The reality is that sometimes we need a little extra help that goes beyond a new skincare regime and daily green smoothies to boost our skin’s vitality and promote skin regeneration. At Toronto’s Elements Spa, our experienced team of skincare experts — led by board-certified […]

By |July 19th, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Wrinkle Reduction with Juvederm

As we age our skin begins to lose its elasticity and what used to be held tight via our skin’s underlying structure begins to sag. Thankfully there are many options for reversing the signs of aging including the use of lasers and cosmetic plastic surgery. However, the fastest and most effective treatment for recovering a […]

By |January 14th, 2019|Medispa|0 Comments

4 Simple Solutions for Sagging Skin

Simple solutions for sagging skin might sound like a dream. But you’re not sleeping. When you look in the mirror, do you find yourself tugging, stretching, pulling or lifting your skin more often?

“As we age, our skin will lose volume and begin to sag,” explains Dr. Ali Adibfar, a leader in the Toronto plastic surgeryindustry. “Time, […]

By |April 17th, 2016|Medispa|1 Comment